Cycles Of Life

[…] Milun Mitrović’s has been an interesting and successful career in the history of Serb art, in the period following the Second World War. He was always a sober and quiet man, moderate and open towards the challenges of life. Therefore his biography – of a painter, teacher, theoretician, intellectual, and an occasional art critic – has turned out as rich as is his spiritual life. As a painter he has passed through several phas­es, from Realism and Expressionism to Associative Abstractionism. He did his landscapes, nudes, portraits, and still lifes in oil, pastel, watercolor, mosaic, pen and pencil, and tried all techniques. His art is informed by the ethics acquired from his parents’ home. He attempted to amalgamate, better say, fuse, Serb Medieval painting with modern European art. As a bridge between the antiquity and contemporaneity, his paintings are spare because they do not need superficial gloss. Everything he did in his life was marked by a consistent and a conscious intellectual position, firmness, frankness, and high moral values. Therefore his life and work may serve as a suc­cessful example of an independent, and – from the point of view of Serb modern art – most precious project of conceptual and artistic synthesis.